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NAGASAKI Kusunoki project


23Camphor Tree at the Former Keiho Middle School(3)

Tree data

  • Variety

    Kusunoki (camphor, Cinnamomum camphora)

  • Height

    Around 16m

  • Trunk circumference

    Around 3.1m at chest height

  • Owner

    Nagasaki Prefecture


A water tank on which the steel lags supporting it are contorted out of shape is on display in the permanent exhibition of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum. The water tank was actually exposed to the atomic bombing at Keiho Middle School, where this camphor tee stands. Located 0.8km from the hypocenter, the water tank that was hit by the ferocious blast wave, said to have reached a speed of 200m per second, eloquently tells of just how extraordinarily powerful the blast wave was.

This camphor tree felt the full force of a blast wave strong enough to twist metal, but despite its branches and leaves being blown apart and its trunk left scarred it still lives on today.

Seeing this camphor tree after having seen the water tank at the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum provides a sense of just how powerful the vitality of trees.

A-Bombed Trees