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NAGASAKI Kusunoki project


04Persimmon Tree at the Isayama Residence in Wakakusa-machi

Tree data

  • Variety

    Kaki (kaki persimmon, Diospyros kaki Thunb.)

  • Height


  • Trunk circumference

    1m at chest height)

  • Owner

    Privately owned


This persimmon tree stands in Nagasaki City's Wakakusa-machi, a district formerly known as Shiroyama-machi 1-chome. Nowadays a district lined with private residences, before the war it was dotted with just a few houses and surrounded by agricultural fields that created a pastoral landscape.

This persimmon is situated around 900 meters from the hypocenter. The atomic bomb totally destroyed and burned down all the wooden houses in the area. In the midst of this situation the trunk of the tree that was facing the direction of the hypocenter was burnt by the heat rays, leaving black and charcoaled remains. Apparently the previous owner bought the land on which the tree is situated after the war, and with the hibakusha who were killed in the area in mind continuously said "you must never cut down this tree."

The tree underwent surgery in 1994 after weakening, and the parts damaged by exposure to the bombing were treated and repaired with the synthetic rubber substance urethane. The area treated with urethane still remain today, and you can see how the parts of the rows of trees facing the hypocenter were scarred.

Even today the tree still bursts into green foliage in the summer, and bears fruit in the autumn. Despite baring the scars of exposure to the bombing, this persimmon tree is a tree that provides fruit and joy to people.

A-Bombed Trees